The theme of "kalchata", luxurious Uzbek female robe of the XIX century, served inspiration to the new collection called Passion for the East. Distinct interpretation of the given assortment of the Uzbek female clothes is introduced in the collection. Modification of sleeves and different ways of wearing this robe in combination with dresses can be observed here, as well as their actual introducing in the form of dresses. Golden colour and multi-layered dresses prevail in the collection, which personify luxury of the East. What remains unchanged is the use of Uzbek luxurious adras and ekselsior from mulberry silkworm specially created and dyed to order. The main uniqueness of the collection is that the same model can be worn in different ways depending on dress owner’s wish. Robes let wear them on the inner side as they are double-faced and do not have lining fabric. Their both sides are made of adras.